Buyer FAQs: Utilizing Gateway


The professionals at Gateway MA can be of service to buyers as well as sellers. There are several reasons for utilizing Gateway as a buyer:

  1. We save you money: Our services are paid for by the seller.
  2. We save you time: Since we already know what businesses are available, we can guide you towards a business that you will enjoy and is an appropriate fit for your price range.
  3. We look out for both parties: Because we know the seller and buyer requirements, a Gateway Broker or Intermediary can make sure that the business transaction benefits both parties. We work professionally and confidentially to solve any problem that arrises, while also allowing you and the seller to maintain a working relationship that could extend to through the transition process.

In addition, Gateway Brokers can assist you in getting all paperwork related to the transaction ready. We know the process for preparing for the closing process!

Can Gateway MA help me if I don’t know what kind of business I want to buy?

The short answer is YES! Our team members are trained to match the needs of the buyer with businesses we have available. We consider 4 factors that help us find the right business for you! Our primary goal is to find your a business you will enjoy, in your preferred geographic location, with a comfortable cash investment and your expected compensation.

We take the time to get to know your background, interests and hobbies so that we can find the best business for you. If you are truly serious about finding a business, contact Gateway today to guide you towards your part of the American Dream!


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